TVRA Club Information
The Treasure Valley Radio Association (TVRA) is a dedicated group of amateur radio operators with the desire of promoting Amateur Radio in our community. Treasure Valley Radio Association is an affiliated club of the American Radio Relay League. ARRL is a national Amateur Radio organization and provide information and support to the amateur radio operators through their website at and the sale of books and a monthly magazine that providing information on the hobby. The ARRL also provides legal and legislative support to the Amateur Radio hobby.
Other sources quite useful to our hobby include the, and
TVRA is prepared to assist emergency service organizations whenever needed. We can provide emergency communications in time of need by assisting wherever needed in our community. We have the means to provide communication support in time of local disasters.
Your membership in our organization can benefit you and others in the following ways:
We provide three 2-meter repeaters to serve the Southwestern Idaho and Southeastern Oregon area. These repeaters are used for communications between members and other amateurs who are traveling through our area. A weekly round table net is held every Tuesday at 7:30 PM on the 145.390 repeater. The net format is informal and allows members to discuss any topic of interest, request advice or assistance with a problem or report on their recent activities. Members are also informed of upcoming events, activities and meetings. All amateurs are welcome to check in and participate in this net.
See repeaters page for more information.
TVRA has members who are volunteer Examiners. Their services help anyone who wish to become an Amateur Radio operator or anyone wishing to upgrade their current amateur license to a higher class.
See Licensing page for further information.
One of our goals is to assist members in improving their emergency skills by providing communication services to communities in the local area. TVRA members provide communications assistance for parades and public service activities like Special Olympics meets, etc.
Social events and activities are sponsored by TVRA to promote fellowship among members. Some of the sponsored events are Hidden Transmitter hunts (I.E. fox hunts), Picnics, Field Day outings, and an annual Christmas party. A club breakfast is held on the first Saturday of each month at the Plaza Inn, 2627, 812 SW 4th Ave, Ontario, OR 97914. Everyone is invited to attend any of these club functions.
Guest speakers and technical demonstrations are provided at some monthly club meeting to keep our members informed on leading technologies. TVRA monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Mandarin Cafe, 136 South Main Street,
Payette, ID – (208) 642-3567. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM and includes interesting and informative speakers, operating and construction demonstration and activities. Many attendees arrive early to partake in nourishment from the restaurant prior to the meeting. We invite you to join in our club meeting, everyone is welcome.
Anyone interested in the hobby of Amateur Radio is invited to contact any officer or member to learn more about the hobby or our organization. You also can get information or answers to your question about Amateur Radio by contacting a club officer using the contact us page on this website.
Copyright © Treasure Valley Radio Association – – 2010-2025