Membership Benefits
We invite all Amateur Radio Operators and interested persons in the area to consider a membership in the Treasure Valley Radio Association. Our organization consists of a group of ham radio operators from the Southwestern Idaho and Southeastern Oregon areas. Our goals are to support quality amateur radio operations, and stimulate member activities in the local community.
TVRA can provide you with:
An opportunity to widen your knowledge of Amateur Radio Technology and electronics.
The ability to provide communications during emergency situations and natural disasters.
A way to assist our community by providing voluntary communications for public events.
The way to meet other ham radio operators in our area and assist them when they desire help.
Several local repeaters for use by all TVRA licensed members and Amateur Radio visitors.
Social meetings with guest speakers, social events and club outings with Association members.
We also provide members with:
A weekly 2 meter net with club announcements, upcoming events and a round table discussion.
Assistance in maintenance, installation or operating amateur radio equipment when needed.
Operator licensing, communication training, hidden transmitter hunts, and social gatherings.
The opportunity to assistance in the maintenance of our repeater equipment when the need arises.
Annual membership begins on April 1st and expire on March 31 of the following year. A new memberships starts on the first of the month in which dues is paid and will be prorated to the following April. All membership renewals will be for the current year no matter when paid.
Membership rates are as follows:
Individual membership ——– $25.00 per year (Licensed Amateur Radio operators)
Family membership ————- $35.00 (2 or more persons residing in the same household)
Life membership —————— $500.00 per person (Licensed Amateur Radio operators)
Associate membership ——– $12.50 per year (Non-licensed persons)
To join or renew a TVRA membership, fill out an application and mail with a check payable to:
Mail to: Treasure Valley Radio Association
P.O. Box 791
Parma, Idaho 83660
Copyright © Treasure Valley Radio Association – – 2010-2025